| An Intro |

A few introductory notes...

1.  My name is Brett.  No, it isn't short for anything.  Yes, I am a girl. The number 1 question I get asked is to repeat my name.  And then to spell it.

2.  I have the most wonderful family in the world, and most of my posts will probably include/be about them (I am married and have a little girl.  He's pretty awesome and she's pretty cute).

3. When I type I seem to completely forget everything I know about punctuation, capitalization, and grammar in general.  I am actually fairly good at all that, but I am lazy/conditioned to rely on auto-correct features (i.e. spellcheck).  One thing I am not good at: commas.  I tend to overuse them.

4.  I want to be good at blogging. When I say good, I mean actually write a blog entry more than once every 6 months.  Preferable once a week.  Give or take.  Let's be realistic here.

5. I could live on ice cream.  I tried it out once at a summer camp (only for a few days) when I was about 14 years old.  It worked.
Ice cream + grapefruit + water = life sustaining.  I don't recommend it.

6.  I have an ETSY shop.  Who doesn't, right?  You can find it here.  

7.  I would love to open my own preschool one day.  Hashtag ideal job.

8.  Well I can't think of anything else at the moment.

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